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My Favorite Healthier “Junk Food” Cheats!


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
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We all have unhealthy junk foods we know we shouldn’t eat, but it can seem we just can’t help ourselves sometimes.

Over the years, as I’ve taken on healthy eating more seriously, I felt like I had to find some alternatives that would still allow me to feel like I was indulging in favorite treats, but without as many negative consequences. Thankfully, I discovered many fun and delicious alternatives to my favorites (corn chips and pastries at the top of the list).

The items listed below are a few of my favorite healthier cheat foods. They are all very tasty, paleo friendly, gluten free and on the healthier side compared to mainstream options. You can find more on my Favorite Foods Shopping List on my website.

They are linked to Amazon if you want to try some out. You can also find most of these items at a local health food store, like Whole Foods, or better yet a locally owned facility.



Siete Grain Free Tortilla Chips: These are AMAZING! So light and crispy. Tastes surprisingly like corn chips. They are made from Cassava and fried in Avocado oil. Both are much better for you than other chips made with cheap industrial seed vegetable oils which are rancid and toxic.
Sweet Potato Chips or Blue Corn Chips: Jackson’s Honest chips are fried in coconut oil, which is a better option than cheap vegetable oils.
Mary’s Crackers: These are gluten free and relatively clean ingredients if you want a crackery snack. They have many flavors. Crunchy and nice.
Coconut Almond Butter: by Maranatha. This is so tasty! Creamy and delicious. A blend of almond butter with coconut cream. One of my favorite treats is a tablespoon of it.


These are lower glycemic load “carb” alternatives that won’t wreak as much havoc on your body as many refined flours. You can bake with these or use them for a number of cooking needs. They taste great! They are paleo friendly and gluten free. You should still be mindful about how much you indulge.

Paleo Pancake and Waffle Mix by Birch Benders. This mix is sooo good. Totally hits my need for occasional pancakes, without the giant carb hit.
Cassava Flour by Otto’s Naturals: This flour is made from Yucca root. Another great alternative baking flour that is a staple in low glycemic non-wheat flour baking.
Bob’s Almond Flour: so great for baking. Makes yummy chocolate chip cookies (see my recipe)!
Cassava and Coconut Flour Tortilla’s by Siete. These taste good and are a great alternative for those that really want some kind of carb alternative for wraps or other uses. I love to use them with enchiladas and tacos.

Again, you can find more on my Favorite Foods Shopping List on my website. I’d love to hear what your favorite healthier cheats are, respond to this email and let me know! I’m always on the lookout for more good stuff.

The post My Favorite Healthier “Junk Food” Cheats! appeared first on Matthew Albracht - Nourish Your Self Whole.
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