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20 Things Every Emergency Prepper Must Do Each Easter


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Feb 16, 2024
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Tulips and Other Flowers

Here are 20 things every emergency prepper might consider doing around Easter time. Preparing for emergencies is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and attention to detail. While Easter may not seem directly related to emergency preparedness, it can allow you to incorporate specific tasks into your routine. Like spring cleaning traditions, Easter is a great time to start the prepping year well.

You must be prepared if severe storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires, or other natural disaster scenarios prompt personal emergencies. We all have our favorite things to do regarding emergency preparation, but it’s always good to be reminded of some critical steps to consider. Carbon Monoxide Detector

20 Things Every Emergency Prepper Must Do Each Easter

20 Things Every Emergency Prepper Must Do Each Easter​

1. Check Emergency Prepping Supplies

Take inventory of your emergency supplies, including food storage, water storage, first aid kit supplies, and tools. 10 Reasons Stockpiling Emergency Supplies Makes Sense

Having checklists of things you want available is a good place to start. There are various categories of items that are needed, so review your current resources and then plan out how to make the necessary purchases.

2. Rotate Food Stock

Rotate any perishable items in your emergency food supply to ensure freshness. 30 Non-Food Survival Items To Stockpile You have food that tends to have a shorter shelf life that should be checked first. Printed expiration dates are very helpful when deciding what can be kept, what should be eaten in the short term, and what should be disposed of.

Food shortages at your local store could be the first challenge to face if you aren’t prepared.

3. Review Emergency Plan

Review your family emergency plan and make any necessary updates or revisions. Emergency Preparedness-Make A Plan An effective emergency plan can be very extensive. Review yours to ensure your preparations are based on current and expected life changes. That could include a new infant in the home, older parents needing to move in, or a child leaving for college. Demands can change, so resources need to be adjusted too.

4. Update Contact Information

Update contact information for emergency contacts, including phone numbers and addresses. How to Connect with Like-Minded Emergency Preppers: If you have a new doctor, dentist, lawyer, in-laws, or others who may need to be contacted, be sure to update and verify the information you have on file. People move, change cell numbers, and get new email accounts. It would be best to stay on top of these changes whenever possible.

5. Inspect Emergency Equipment

Inspect emergency equipment such as flashlights and lanterns, radios, and generators to ensure they are in working condition. How to Connect with Like-Minded Emergency Preppers: Check the condition of each family member’s bug-out bag for wear and tear and contents. If your 72-hour kits are in duffle bags or large backpacks, do the same checks for those. Pack some charges for those phones and other electronic devices so you’re ready for any power outages.

Since water storage is so critical, be sure you have fresh filters for your water purification equipment and some backup water purification tablets, just in case.

Check your fire extinguishers to make sure they are current and operational. You must also check your walkie-talkies, hand-crank radios, and other communication equipment.

6. Practice Fire Safety

Review fire safety procedures with your family and conduct a fire drill if necessary. 20 Reasons to Have a Fire Extinguisher On Hand If you’ve got upstairs bedrooms, be sure to have some escape ladders. Check that all escape routes aren’t blocked and that doors and windows can be easily opened.

7. Check Smoke Alarms

Test smoke alarms and replace batteries if needed. Fire Extinguishers: More Important than a Gun? We have had a tradition of doing this every New Year’s Day. You could pick another day, like Easter, to do the same.

You must also check if your home has working radon or carbon monoxide detectors.

8. Inspect Home Security

Inspect locks on both windows and doors to ensure they are secure. 20 Ways to Step Up Security Measures Around Your Property If you have camera systems like Ring, check the batteries and replace them if needed. Be sure all the cameras are securely attached to your home so winds won’t displace them.

9. Review Evacuation Routes

Review evacuation routes and discuss them with your family. What You Need in Your Evacuation Shelter Bags Stay on top of notices about anticipated road closures and detours. If you’ve changed job locations or the kids are going to different schools, consider those changes.

10. Plan for Pets

Ensure you have a plan for your pets in an emergency. How to Connect with Like-Minded Emergency Preppers Besides food, pets may need their medicines, favorite bed leashes, and collars with ID tags.

11. Learn First Aid

Take a first aid and CPR refresher course if needed. First Aid for Outdoor Adventures: Be sure you account for any necessary prescription drugs if evacuated. Also, consider things like your CPAP, nebulizer, oxygen tanks, and other medical equipment that may mean life or death to family members.

Sanitation is critical to maintain during emergencies. You need enough personal hygiene products to maintain adequate personal hygiene for every family member, particularly the ladies in your home. Also, have sufficient diapers and handy wipes to keep those little ones clean and comfortable.

12. Stock Up on Non-Perishables

Use Easter sales to stock up on non-perishable items for your emergency supply kit. 35 Last-Minute Ways To Prepare For An Emergency. I noticed a case lot sale at our local Smiths/Kroger store. This is a great time to save money as you stock up on necessary food items for longer-term storage.

13. Practice Self-Reliance Skills

Use Easter to practice self-reliance skills such as gardening, foraging, or cooking without electricity. 20 Reasons to Go Without a Phone in Today’s World: You can use survival skills to care for your family, but they can also be used to barter when times get tough.

14. Learn New Skills

Take a class or workshop on a new skill relevant to emergency preparedness, such as wilderness survival or home canning. 20 Things Preppers Need to Do in the New Year. Take these classes seriously and be an active participant in each class session.

We participated in a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) class with a few neighbors in St. George. You should consider looking into one offered in your area. It was informative and fun. You should have seen me using a fire extinguisher!!

15. Prepare for Seasonal Weather

Take into account any seasonal weather changes and adjust your emergency supplies accordingly. 20 Ways to Make Your Food Budget Stretch Further

16. Check Vehicle Readiness

Check your vehicle’s emergency kit and ensure it has essentials like blankets, water, and a flashlight. Using Your Vehicle as a Tool for Prepping Check out this link for great insight into how your vehicle should be outfitted.

I’ve always told my readers to keep the gasoline level in their vehicles at half-full or more. The advent of electric vehicles adds a whole new dimension to vehicle fuel level concerns.

17. Communicate with Neighbors

Chat with neighbors to discuss emergency preparedness plans and how you can support each other in an emergency. Communication Options for Your Family During a Disaster If you have walkie-talkies in your neighborhood, communicate with neighbors regarding the chosen channels to be used and test them out.

18. Review Insurance Policies

Review your insurance policies to ensure you have adequate coverage for potential emergencies. Is Flood Insurance Worth It? Make sure the coverage amounts keep up with the increasing property values. Also, consider any significant personal property purchases that might increase the value of items inside your home.

19. Create Redundancies

Identify any single points of failure in your emergency plans and create redundancies where possible. Away From Home Emergency Plan For Kids

20. Stay Informed

Stay informed about your area’s current events and potential threats by monitoring local news and weather reports. 12 Ways Preppers Can Use Old Newspapers

More Tips​

Final Word​

While these tasks may not be specific to Easter, incorporating them into your routine during this time of year can help ensure you’re consistently prepared for emergencies. May God Bless this World, Linda

Copyright Images: Tulips and other Flowers Depositphotos_13402158_S By LiliGraphie, Colorful Flowers with Eggs And Cut Wood Depositphotos_13400727_S By LiliGraphie

The post 20 Things Every Emergency Prepper Must Do Each Easter appeared first on Food Storage Moms.
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